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PCS Professional Clinical Software GmbH

Headquarter: Industriering 11, 9020 Klagenfurt

Phone: +43 463 30030

Fax:+43 463 3003 343


Register Number: FN 143923 b
VAT-ID: ATU40465803

Registered since: 1st April,1996



Selling software.

Mr. Rossi Fabio
Mr. Mag. Bürger Jan

GPI S.P.A.100,00%


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All data, text and pictures are owned by PCS Professional Clinical Software GmbH. It is prohibited to use any content for business purpose.  


All texts, pictures, audio or  video files as well as the setting of those on the website are under copyright.   None of this content should be used for commercial purpose. Furthermore it is not allowed to make any copies and re-use content on other websites. 



The information on this website has been carefully researched and diligently complied. Yet, the information on this website is proved "as is". While the Information provided is believed to be accurate, it may include errrors or inaccuracies.  The website of PCS Professional Clinical Software GmbH offers any information with no limit or warranty.  In no event shall PCS Professional Clinical Software GmbH be liable to any Person for any Special, indirect or consequential damages relating to this material, unless caused by gross negligence or intentional misconduct.


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Image by Glenn Carstens-Peters

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